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Quantum Computing: Unlocking Solutions to the Unsolvable

Writer's picture: thevisionairemagazthevisionairemagaz


Harnessing the ability of physical matter to exhibit properties of both particles and waves, quantum particles redefine the laws of physics to what are known as the 'principles of quantum physics'. This revolutionary phenomena, when digitalized, has proven itself a miracle worker at solving computational problems which are totally out of the scope of classic computers at an exponentially faster rate, thereby further progressing the goal of quantum computing research to accelerate the execution of long waves of instructions.

Principles of Quantum Physics

Regular-sized objects, like the moon, obey Newton's laws, enabling precise location and motion predictions. But at quantum scales (below 10^-9 meters), classical rules break down due to the uncertainty principle. This means we can't pinpoint exact positions or velocities; instead, we deal with probabilities. In the quantum realm, bound systems have specific, discrete values for energy, momentum, and angular momentum, unlike the continuous range in classical physics.

Particles and waves are fixed classical concepts that are unable to describe particles at quantum sizes, so such quantum-sized particles can exhibit both wave and particle properties depending upon circumstances. This is called wave-particle duality. Quantum Physics also uses way more complex math's to make laws applicable to said particles using complex numbers and more. All of this unpredictability in position, motion, or even particular laws, and uncertainty within it, is fully utilized in the form of qubits for quantum computers where due to superposition, it is impossible to predict whether the bit is 1 or 0 until it is captured.

So, how does this all fit into the world of computers? Quantum computing emerged in the 1980s when it became clear that some complex problems could be solved more efficiently with quantum algorithms than traditional computers. Quantum computers have the potential to tackle vast possibilities and solve intricate problems. Essentially, linked qubits, through entanglement, use interference between their quantum states to perform calculations that would take an unimaginable amount of time otherwise. However, research progress is hampered by the delicate conditions qubits need to operate effectively.

Quantum mechanics delves into the behavior of matter and light on the tiny atomic and subatomic scale. It often clashes with our common-sense ideas derived from everyday experiences. Yet, it reminds us that reality doesn’t always align with our expectations. At the heart of quantum mechanics, there’s a puzzling issue concerning measurement. It tells us that measuring a system inevitably disrupts it. For instance, determining a particle’s speed affects its position, and gauging its position disturbs its state of rest or motion.

Contributions of Quantum Mechanics in Computing

Quantum computing is at the leading edge of technological advancements, utilizing the principles of quantum mechanics to perform calculations more efficiently than binary computers. Its contributions continue to be significant, influencing various industries. Shor's algorithm decodes cryptographic systems while Grover's algorithm searches databases at a faster rate. Quantum key exchange provides secure communication interchange. On the other hand, quantum simulation assists in apprehending physics matter and analyses chemical reactions, creating new materials. While many more contributions are expected in future, their full potential is yet to be achieved.

Applications and future prospects of quantum computing

Quantum computers have the potential to greatly enhance data encryption, revolutionizing security. They can also advance radar systems for better missile and aircraft detection and improve environmental monitoring with chemical sensors. Additionally, quantum computers can aid in healthcare by simulating drug testing and assist investors in risk evaluation for sound investments.

Areeba Arbab, Pakistan's youngest quantum programmer, discovered her passion for quantum technology through her family's influence. IBM Quantum sponsored her for a course hosted by QubitxQubit, leading to her selection in the Quantum School for Young Students program at the University of Waterloo. She earned a badge of quantum excellence at the Qiskit Global Summer School and co-authored a chapter in the official Qiskit textbook on solving linear systems of equations. Areeba's achievements also include working as a research intern on Pakistan's first Quantum Key Distribution setup and serving as a technical resource for quantum computing in KPK's Department of Science and Technology. Additionally, she teaches quantum computing to middle schoolers.


Despite some difficulties, we keep making progress and advancements .

Quantum computing changes how these electronic devices/services work, and special algorithms like Shor's and Grover's offer new ways to keep information safe and find important data. We can make use of such technology in maintaining things safely, improving radar, accommodating with healthcare and managing finances. People like Areeba Arbab are leading the way in quantum computing making research and learning easier and faster. The past, future and present are dependent on the technology that is being created just like quantum computing which holds great significance in shaping technology as a whole.



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